Monday, February 09, 2015

Mass cycling events in 2015

These are the bicycle events that I know of so far this year. Do drop a comment if you know of  others which are suitable for recreational cyclists.
  1. NTU Bike Rally by NTU Sport Club, 08 Mar 2015 [registration closed;]
  2. (Re)Cycle 350, World Water Day 21 Mar 2015 [registration open;]
  3. Cycle Asia Singapore, by Spectrum Worldwide, 10-12 Apr 2015 [registration open;]; next year?
  4. Aidha Tour de Singapore fund raising ride for domestic workers , 10 May 2015 []
  5. Ride of Silence, 24 May 2015; a commemorative ride for fallen cyclists [; see this blogpost from 2009]
  6. Heart of Courage, 20 Jun 2015; Teen Challenge (Singapore)'s first charity cycling event and fundraiser for DARE Centre [registration open;, facebook]
  7. OCBC Cycle, by OCBC, 29-30 Aug 2015 [registration opens on 09 March 2015;]
  8. Seen and Be Seen, a safe cycling campaign [] - ?Sep 2015

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