I was delighted to be amongst the first to learn that the "folding bike trial on MRT/Bus" will be extended beyond the original deadline of 24 Nov 2008 — this was revealed during a meeting organized by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) in which sought feedback directly from foldable bike users for their experience on public transport. Together with Vivian and Steven from Diginexx (distributors of Strida and Carryme), the views of some 600 folding bike users in Singapore were represensative.
In the past, most users do not bring their folding bike onto public transport, and they cite the non-peak hour limitation and road danger as the two main reasons.
However, thanks to this LTA trial, foladable bike users experimented with bringing their bikes onto the MRT and buses were pleasantly surprised: "Bus drivers and MRT personnel are pleasant toward folding bike users," said Sun, a foldable bike user. "On the roads, I can see SMRT drivers are more cautious toward cyclists," she said.
Even riders who do not use public transport regularly find it very handy when it rains — they skip riding and take refuge in the comfort of the MRT or public buses, or engage in the more pricy option - taxis.
However, there still are shortcomings. The obvious one is the time restriction to off-peak hour as well as road dangers. A typical problem is the difficulty of getting onto a crowded bus - foldable bike users have to squeeze through the narrow passage of the bus aisle to reach the open space allocated to wheelchair use, at the rear of the bus. The obvious solution? Allow foldable bike users to board from the rear of the bus, so that fewer people will be inconvenienced.
A less common problem is that off-peak hours are no longer peaceful these days — the MRT trains can be very crowded even then, mainly due to increased ridership and the longer intervals between trains during such times. However, foldable bike users who do not want to be a nuisance to fellow-MRT passengers are hardly able to find a less empty cariage! I have waved off two trains on occasion, until a third, less crowded, train arived. But mostly I find I am able to get on the first time — I suppose not all sections and stops are the same,
JZ88 users suggested that a suitable space be created inside specific MRT cabins—in the meantime, a couple of seats in a designated cabin can be removed and the space labelled "For folding bicycles and bulky objects". This arrangement is not too difficult but can circumvent potential conflict before folding bikes get more popular.
In Europe and Taiwan, folding bikes play an important and complimentary role to mass public transport. One can travel a long distance on public tansport and then cycle to one's destination. This convenience is a money-saving combination which does not produce any pollution, requires very little road space yet is a healthier option for the rider.
A pro-folding bike and bicyle policy can help LTA to achieve the goal of increase the ridership of public transport and ultimately reduce private car use. Compared to shuttle buses for short distances, the bicycle has the avantage of being a personal and door-to-door solution. You can reach destinations within two kilometres in just 7 minutes, and eliminates the need to wait for transport and the need to walk to a station.

Incorporating bicyle use in our transport strategy can immediately increase the "catchment zone" of a transport hub by 20~25 times! This is because cycling is about 4 to 5 times faster than walking. This is a better solution thatn solely relying on a shuttle bus system and can help to relief the pressure along some bus routes.
In order to get a balanced view LTA indicated that they need to take into consideration the needs of all stakeholders. This is why they have extended the "folding bike trial on MRT/Bus" untill all feedback are heard.
I was impressed that LTA members were interested in my suggestion to calm the traffic and create a "safety zone" near schools and MRT stations. Their attitude indicates that they are working genuinely towards a total solution rather than pushing the ball around.
Moving forward, I am optimistic that LTA is planning ahead for the increased use of folding bike in public transport. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Next February at the very latest, an official announcement will be made by LTA about their position regarding foldable bicycles on public transport.
when the trial has concluded and a more permanent scheme in place, perhaps someone could consider having 'road shows' at mrt stations and bus interchanges, letting commuters try out these bikes and purchase them on the spot. this could raise awareness tremendously. the author could raise this idea back to the mrt committee.
Good idea Brandon, Thanks!
One other reason why foldable bikes are not making their way into the lives of more Singaporeans is because there is lack of green awareness and sense of urgency towards climate action. This is a cause for concern.
Support the movement to gather like-minded people for an event to be held at the Xtreme SkatePark to promote the use of non-motorised green transportation such as biking, inline skating and skate-boarding.
Contact go.g.rider@gmail.com for more information
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