Super photographs and well written text.
From page 18 is the section "No excuse", includes:
- Cycling is dangerous
- My bike will get stolen
- I don't have the time
- Rain! I hate getting wet
- My coworker will laugh at me
- I'll semll
- It cost the Earth to buy a bike
- I've got kids to drop of at school before work, I need an SUV
- Only expensive bikes are good
- I'll get a flat
- I'm too out of shape
- It's too dark when I go home
- You can't carry much on a bike
- I can't I have to wear a suit!
- I travel long distance, too far to cycle
- I want to get fit, but I don't want to get thunder thighs
- Biking will be bad for my sex life
- I have to take clients out to lunch and I need to drive
- I don't know of any bike routes to work
- Bike don't have aircon, I don't want to breathe in city fumes
- I would cycle, but my town is really hilly
- Bikes are oily
- I can't cycle, I lug a laptop
- cycling require too much special clothing and gears
Wow, quite a list. Are you one of them?
Download this electronic "Bike to Work" book free
Singapore is too humid to cycle to work... I would if there is showering facility plus locker to house my clothes and myraid of barang barang like "paint" brushes and colours for the face :) Cool book, I downloaded the pdf version.
Dear Chu Wa & all,
Cycling is a great way to maintain health, keep the positive hormones going & ease pressure on PT...
yes the aboved mentioned dreads are all sooooooo true...however, if there is an encentive say a shower facility...or a bicycle with an aerodynamic weather resistant shell with mod cons...Singaporeans & Global citizens can surely embrace cycling like the Chinese did pre-industrial 1990's...sheltered pathways could also encourage bicycling patronage esp with the current level of enforcement...
We do as humanity does like the convenience of not being sweaty or having the spare boot at ready...but if we do carry on like that, we might become a species not capable of per Wall-E (the movie)lol....
It isn't the humid or hot weather. It is the comparison to existing means of traveling that has air-con . After years of having air-con buses, I believe many will also say Singapore is too humid to have non-air-con buses.
Not only the pre-industrial 1990's Chinese cycle. I believe the pre-developed 1960's Singaporeans also cycle.
Nevertheless, showering facility is strangely very rare in Singapore, a hot and humid place. Or, was it because it wasn't that hot and humid? Actually, my experience is that after cycling for 30-60 mins, the sweat dried up within mins in a air-con place. I trust MrBrown's solution of showering before the trip and using wet tissue after the trip works (points 12 and 13 in )
I cycle to libraries and shopping malls in nearby town (apart from mine). I would invariably be perspiring after a 20-30min ride, showering before does not work for me. Cycling to work will certainly require showering facilities nearby. Mr Brown so happens need no "standard" office attire.
Hi Guek Har, thanks for dropping by. You've got a cool blog :-)
The nice thing about cycling in Singapore is that the temperature is always nice before and after office hours. If I ride slower I will reach work in 45 minutes w/o sweat iso 30 minute sweating. But I like the sweating bit- that's a sign of completed detoxication circulation, down to the finest circuits in my body.
I do have a shower at work which does make thing easier a bit.
I thing it would be wonderful for people who need to cycle during office hour to have shaded bike lane built along popular routes. The space under the MRT track is a great possibility.
i cycle to work for abt 2 year before i start my next work in town.
is super shiok!but smell a little.~
just wonder why did i cycle to sch in the past.stupid~
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