Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cycling in Copenhagen

cyclechicscreensaverhttp.jpg (image) is "about bicycle culture in Copenhagen, Denmark [where]. 35% of the population - 550,000 people - ride their bike to work or school each day."

"Perhaps we can inspire people in other countries to commute by bicycle or lobby for better bike conditions in their cities by providing a portrait of a city that lives and breathes bikes. At the very least, enjoy the view from our saddles."

They have a sister blog called Cycleliciousness - Copenhagen Bike Culture Blog - "less fashion and more stats and inspiration."

The City of Copenhagen biannual Cycle Policy Report (2006) finds that "73% of Copenhageners DON'T ride for recreation. The bike is not a hobby article used for recreation or excercise. It is transport."

It's a lovely change from the usual - "Such is the season here in Copenhagen. Long jackets, high boots, patterned bags and the everpresent wonky old Raleigh bike." Hop over and get a glimpse of cycling nirvana!

"Bicycle stopping at traffic junctions"

It was nice to read about his strategy. I do the same, for the same reasons. the thing to note is the thought process. Have reasons for your actions on the road.

Bicycle stopping at traffic junctions « Arson and Arsenic

"Bicycle stopping at traffic junctions," by arsonandarsenic. Arson and Arsenic, 26 Oct 2007.

Via One Less Car via Leafmonkey.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

BBC's Top Gear: Get me to the airport in time (bus/tube, bike, car or boat?)

The British car television program Top Gear finds out the fastest way to get to the city airport through rush hour London - public transport, car, bicycle or speedboat?

In three parts on YouTube:

Thanks to Alvin Wong for the alert.

His take - it's crazy and hilarious; crazy Brits! Wonder what will happen in Singapore if someone tried the same thing - the cyclist will win if if was a short distance within city (must not have a highway component), and the boat will win to a downtown location close to the Singapore River. In an case, public transport sure lose (too many stops)!