A memorial website has been set up for Ben at http://www.benmokpedalon.com
"As a responsible and safe cyclist, Ben would’ve appealed for calm in light of the situation. Fellow cyclists who wish to show their support for Ben are advised to attend the funeral mass with their cycling helmets instead. Please be appropriately dressed for church."
"One of two cyclists hit by car in Clementi dies," by Mavis Goh. The Straits Times, 25 Mar 2010. Drink-driving suspect also under probe for hit-and-run offence.

"Freelance writer Benjamin Mok, 35, died in hospital
without regaining consciousness.
ONE of two cyclists knocked down in Clementi on Sunday night by a suspected drink-driver died in hospital yesterday from head injuries.
Freelance writer Benjamin Mok Chee Kong, 35, never regained consciousness after the accident.
The 62-year-old suspect, a general practitioner, could be facing more trouble as he is under investigation for a hit-and-run offence.
The Straits Times understands that he had left the scene after the accident, and returned later. He was arrested and is currently out on bail.
Mr Mok and his friend, Mr Bertram Leong Poh Meng, 22, a chef, had been out on a routine cycling trip on Sunday night.
The two of them were initially in a group of six, but were with just one other friend when cycling along Clementi Road. They were headed towards Upper Bukit Timah Road for supper when the accident happened.
Mr Leong is in the National University Hospital (NUH) with head injuries.
A secondary schoolmate, who did not want to be named, said Mr Leong had no recollection of the accident and remembered only being in an ambulance.
He added that Mr Leong was recovering and would be moved out of the high-dependency ward soon. Since the accident, Mr Mok's friends and family had rallied around his bed at NUH.
Mr Mok had been an active cyclist for many years and had ridden overseas in countries like the United States.
A close friend, Mr Nic Mok, 23, said the cyclist was very particular about road safety and had always insisted on wearing full safety gear such as helmet and gloves, and having front and rear lights when on the road.
'I was distraught when I heard the news. It was shocking because he is usually very cautious,' he added.
He said the two of them used to cycle and train together, often past midnight, about five times a week but had cut down the frequency because they had difficulties fitting into each other's schedule.
Mr Mok said his friend did not mind cycling alone, usually in places like Lim Chu Kang and Mandai roads.
Mr Steven Lim, 43, president of Safe Cycling Task Force, said cyclists are vulnerable on the road because of their size and speed.
'Generally when cyclists are travelling on the left lane, other motorists tend to squeeze in with them instead of giving them space,' he added.
Last year, 17 cyclists and pillion riders died on the road, down from 22 in 2008.
The police are appealing for witnesses. Anyone with information can call the police on 1800-547-1818."
I ride a motorcycle and face similar issues with larger vehicle users. The difference is my bike is capable of greater speeds than a bicycle and hence I have a greater chance of getting out of dangerous situations.
As I said before the TP advice of riding "as close to the left as possible" is stupid, not just because of the hazards at that portion of the road, but because it invites larger vehicles to come squeeze in the lane.
Recently I wrote an entry on cars "squeezing" into our lanes and I believe this is relevant for bicycles too:
A memorial website has been set up for Ben...
"As a responsible and safe cyclist, Ben would’ve appealed for calm in light of the situation. Fellow cyclists who wish to show their support for Ben are advised to attend the funeral mass with their cycling helmets instead. Please be appropriately dressed for church."
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